



Reviews (2500-3000 signs) should provide a critical analysis of the scope and relevance of the exhibition/conference/publication and assesses its strengths and weaknesses, its methodological perspectives, and the new elements it brings to the field. Proposals for reviews should include an abstract in English briefly mentioning the relevance of the reviewed subject for the field (max. 100 signs) and a short biography of the author (max. 100 signs).


Testimonials (5000-7000 signs) are dedicated to individuals (artists, architects, archaeologists, collectors, curators) who have played an important role in the field of art practice, art theory, architecture and heritage (conservation) in the MENA region. For this section, we encourage authors to publish reproductions of artworks and archival documents. Proposals should include an abstract (max. 100 signs) that shortly introduces the main contributions of the professional discussed to his/her field and a short biography of the author (max. 100 signs).

Proposals for reviews or testimonials should be submitted to manazir(at) For full editorial details about articles submission, please refer to the Midan Style Sheet.