الأمة تصويرًا ونحتًا. الرواد ونهضة الفنون الجميلة والتطبيقية في مصر 1908-1938 (Painting and Sculpting the Nation: Pioneers of the Renaissance of Fine Arts and Applied Arts in Egypt 1908-1938)
Cairo: National Center for Translation, Social Science Researches Series, 2019
In early 20th century Egypt, painters and sculptors were trained in art institutions created on the European model, such as the Cairo School of Fine Arts founded in 1908. Commonly referred to as the "pioneers" (al-ruwwad), these artists practiced new techniques and genres, such as oil painting, landscape or nude, while at the same time facing the challenge of contributing to the national project of the cultural renewal, in which the notion of "Fine Arts" (al-funun al-jamila), as thought and defined by the West, emerged as a necessity. What were the politics underlying the establishment of art institutions in Egypt? Who were the intermediaries between artists and the public? Through what networks did pictorial models circulate between Egypt and Europe? The translation of this PhD dissertation into Arabic by the National Center for Translation in Cairo is dedicated to all Egyptian artists, students and scholars, who are interested in Egyptian modernism.