Into the Wild: Kunst und Architektur im globalen Kontext / Art and Architecture in a Global Context
Ed. by Antonie Bassing-Kontopidis, Laura Hindelang, Charlotte Matter and Filine Wagner
Munich, edition metzel, 2018
With contributions by Antonie Bassing-Kontopidis, Lisa Blackmore, Laura Valentina Bohnenblust Dayron Carillo Morell, Martin Hartung, Laura Hindelang, Marco Jalla, Patricia Lurati, Charlotte Matter, Pathmini Ukwattage, Filine Wagner, Sandro Weilenmann, Muriel Willi and Ismene Wyss. The publications focuses on transcultural exchange and global art history with an essay on contemporary art from the Persian Gulf region as well as one on Swiss architects in Afghanistan.