The Tongue of the Desert: Jean Jacques Hess' Studies on Language, Customs, and Beliefs of the Bedouins of Central Arabia
curated by Saeedeh Rahman Setayesh and Johannes Thomann
Institute of Asian and Oriental Studies, University of Zurich
Workshop: 1 and 2 September 2023
Exhibition: 1 September – 6 October 2023
Jean Jacques Hess (1866–1949) was the first professor of Egyptology at the University of Fribourg and the first professor of Islamic Studies at the University of Zurich. This workshop and exhibition explore J.J. Hess’ diverse interests in languages like Demotic and material cultures.
Organized by Johannes Thomann, Saeedeh Setayesh, Institute and Library of Asian and Oriental Studies.
The workshop and exhibition are made possible with the support of Schweizerische Asiengesellschaft.
Check the full program here.