“Entre peintures, tapis et mosaïques antiques : les dons de la Tunisie à l'ONU au lendemain de son indépendance”
Joan Grandjean
20.3.24, University of Geneva
After gaining independence on 20 March 1956, Tunisia joined the United Nations on 12 November of the same year. From then on, the Tunisian government affirmed its commitment to the United Nations Charter, to law and legality as the pillars of its international relations, and to multilateralism as a means of consolidating its nascent sovereignty. This diplomatic positioning is accompanied by a unique cultural diplomacy strategy: donations of paintings, carpets and even antique mosaics are offered to decorate the walls of the various UN agencies and buildings. In this way, Tunisia uses its rich cultural heritage to promote its values and strengthen its ties with the international community.
Joan Grandjean will present these various donations as part of the public lecture “Du chef-d'œuvre à l'objet commémoratif : une histoire de la diplomatie culturelle des pays du Moyen-Orient,” which he is organising with Professor Silvia Naef at the University of Geneva. His lecture will examine the strategies deployed and the image that Tunisia seek to project through donations that showcase ancient, Islamic and modern art and heritage.