Ayham Jabr, Damascus Under Siege, digital photocollage, 2016.


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Humanités nouvelles

with Mounir Ayache, Jean-Gabriel Ganascia, Joan Grandjean, and Emmanuel Grimaud

23.5.24, Institut du monde arabe, high council room (level 9), 19:00


To coincide with the 'ARABOFUTURS' exhibition, IMA Thursdays will become Super-Thursdays, featuring an expanded format that combines research, art, science, and technology to imagine and contemplate the future through four successive themes. The first meeting, dedicated to 'New Humanities,' will explore imagined alternatives to humanity as we know it.

Many artists in the Arab world project themselves into the future, imagining the erasure of normative paradigms and the advent of new forms of humanity. By reconsidering the boundaries between the human and the non-human, they envisage transhumanism, or even post-humanism.

Does the advent of artificial intelligence enhance human capabilities? Can robotics replace humans in certain fields? What does the future hold for gender norms? Is humanity at the end of its history, or is it reinventing itself through technology?