The event is free of charge, however the number of participants is limited. Registration required.
More information here.
Kultur und Widerstand am Beispiel Iran
Parastou Forouhar, Elika Palenzona-Djalili and Zarina Tadjbaeva
29.9.2023, 6–7.30 pm
Museum für Gestaltung Zürich, Toni-Areal, Hörsaal 1
The conversation with Parastou Forouhar, Elika Palenzona-Djalili and Zarina Tadjbaeva is about activist, artistic and theoretical explorations of art and culture as a form of resistance. Since the founding of the Islamic Republic of Iran in 1979, protests in Iran have taken on multiple expressions. What are the creative forms of protest and how have they changed over the past 40 years? In what spaces, with what effectiveness and sustainability do these protests express themselves, who are their protagonists, and what is new about the current situation? These and similar questions will be discussed in the panel.
Panel with Parastou Forouhar, artist, Elika Palenzona-Djalili, art historian and lecturer in Persian, Zarina Tad-jibaeva, actress and singer.
Moderation: Bettina Richter, curator of the exhibition and the poster collection, Museum für Gestaltung Zurich.